'SBI is lying': Why banking experts dispute its claims on electoral bonds data


The State Bank of India on Wednesday missed the deadline set by the Supreme Court of India, directing it to hand over information about 22,217 electoral bonds to the Election Commission of India.    In a  corner decision last month, the Supreme Court had struck down as unconstitutional the Narendra Modi government's electoral bonds scheme, which allowed  individualities and  pots to make anonymous donations to political parties through these  financial instruments bought from the State Bank of India. The Bharatiya Janata Party was the scheme's  topmost devisee.  

 On March 4, two days before the deadline was set to lapse, the SBI, India's largest public sector bank, asked for time till June 30 an extension of 16 weeks. It argued that it  demanded  further time to follow through with the order as it didn't keep a digital trail of the  trade and redemption of bonds.   Experts in the banking sector Scroll spoke to  queried the SBI's claims that it would need four months to make the data available." They're telling a  taradiddle , to put it crudely, and you do not need an expert or a banker to say this," said an critic who has been tracking the assiduity for over three decades.   

The sceptics have a two-fold argument one, that it's doubtful that the bank didn't digitise its electoral bonds data in this day and age. And two, indeed if it did not, tallying data on nearly 22,000 bonds should take only a many days.   Some contended that it was a tactic to stall the release of information that might be politically  dangerous to the Bharatiya Janata Party ahead of the Lok Sabha election. For case, speaking to  intelligencer Barkha Dutt, former Finance Secretary Subash Chandra Garg The State Bank of India on Wednesday missed the deadline set by the Supreme Court of India, directing it to hand over information about 22,217 electoral bonds to the Election Commission of India. 

   In a  corner decision last month, the Supreme Court had struck down as unconstitutional the Narendra Modi government's electoral bonds scheme, which allowed  individualities and  pots to make anonymous donations to political parties through these  financial instruments bought from the State Bank of India. The Bharatiya Janata Party was the scheme's  topmost devisee.   On March 4, two days before the deadline was set to lapse, the SBI, India's largest public sector bank, asked for time till June 30 an extension of 16 weeks. It argued that it  demanded  further time to follow through with the order as it didn't keep a digital trail of the  trade and redemption of bonds.  

 Experts in the banking sector Scroll spoke to  queried the SBI's claims that it would need four months to make the data available." #They're telling a  taradiddle , to put it crudely, and you do not need an expert or a banker to say this," said an critic who has been tracking the assiduity for over three decades.   The sceptics have a two-fold argument one, that it's doubtful that the bank didn't digitise its electoral bonds data in this day and age. And two, indeed if it did not, tallying data on nearly 22,000 bonds should take only a many days.  

 Some contended that it was a tactic to stall the release of information that might be politically  dangerous to the Bharatiya Janata Party ahead of the Lok Sabha election. For case, speaking to  intelligencer Barkha Dutt, former Finance Secretary Subash Chandra Garg the SBI's plea as the" lamest of  defenses".   On Thursday, the Association of Democratic Reforms, anon-governmental organisation, moved the Supreme Court, seeking  disdain proceedings against the SBI" for wilfully and  designedly defying" the court's order.   The court has not yet responded to the bank's plea for an extension- or listed for hearing the  solicitation seeking  disdain proceedings. 

 In separate silos'   Electoral bonds were a banking instrument that a person,  establishment or a trust could buy from the SBI and hand it to a political party, which could  also redeem them. The scheme was introduced by the Modi government in January 2018.   Buyers of electoral bonds weren't  needed to declare their purchase of these interest-free bonds and political parties didn't need to  expose the source of the  plutocrat.   On Monday, the SBI said that it didn't keep a digital trail of the  trade and redemption of electoral bonds because of a confidentiality clause in the scheme.  " The purpose of not storing all details digitally was to  insure that it can not be gathered  fluently to achieve the object of the scheme," said the bank in its  solicitation.   

The object of the scheme is its confidentiality clause. It says" The information furnished by the buyer shall be treated  intimately by the authorised bank and shall not be bared to any authority for any purpose, except when demanded by a competent court or upon enrollment  of felonious case by any law enforcement agency."   This purportedly pushed the bank to not indeed register KYC or know your  client details into its Core Banking System, or CBS an IT system that connects multiple branches of a bank in a central, digital database to ease the delivery of services.   also, the bank said that documents on purchasers and  savers of the bonds were stored physically, in two different silos, in its main branch in Mumbai.   

Going by the bank's contention, this is how it would have worked.   Take, for  illustration, a person wanted to  contribute Rs 1 crore to her  favored political party via an electoral bond. She could deposit a cheque of Rs 1 crore made out to the SBI and submit her citizenship  evidence, KYC documents and fill out an  operation form and a pay- in slip at the bank- these documents are contained in the SBI's first silo.   The bank would take a couple of days to  corroborate thedocuments.However, the bank would issue an electoral bond worth Rs 1 crore to the person, If they were fine. This person would  also give the bond to the political party. 

The party would  also deposit the bond with the SBI, fill a redemption slip and collect the  plutocrat. The bond and this slip are stored in the alternate silo.   The SBI has argued that to connect a redeemed bond to the  patron, it would have to pair up documents from the alternate silo with documents in the first one. This, it has claimed, could take four months.   But  spectators and  interpreters of the banking assiduity don't buy these claims.  Keeping data physically   Experts point out that the claim that a good  knob of the electoral bonds data, including the paperwork, isn't stored digitally by the bank to maintain confidentiality doesn't stand.   This is because the confidentiality clause contains an exception for a" competent court" and a" law enforcement agency". 

The critic quoted  over said that given this exception," the electoral bonds data should be ready on a real- time base".   The bank claims that the information on  benefactors and political parties was stored physically and independently" in a sealed cover at the designated branches" and these covers were eventually collected at the SBI's main branch in Mumbai.   Generating data on electoral bonds might be easier than the SBI makes it to be. In 2019, a Huffington Post  disquisition had revealed that in a January 2018 meeting, the public sector bank had asked the Union ministry of finance to include a  periodical number on the bonds.  

 The bank believed that it would not have an  inspection trail available without this number. It would also not be  suitable to hand over information on buyers and  savers of bonds if a competent court or law enforcement agency asked for them.   A Quintinvestigation in 2018 had reported that the bonds did carry a  retired  periodical number. This indicates that the SBI did plan to store data on purchasers and  savers of bonds.   But besides the  periodical number, there are other reasons to believe that the SBI would have a digital database on electoral bonds.

   A digital trail   A fintech author who works with banks told Scroll that the claim that data on electoral bonds was entirely in physical form was hard to believe." The information collected by the SBI on electoral bonds is fairly templatised," he said." This isn't a donation box at a  tabernacle where anyone can  contribute  plutocrat and no information is collected. The electoral bonds data is collected in a certain way so that it could be organised digitally in that way. This is done so  each  similar information remains digitally available in one place." 

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