WATCH | Delivery guy evades adversity, gets on a horse to deliver food amid truckers strike


The expression"  hopeless times call for  hopeless measures" played itself out in Hyderabad  megacity in the Indian state of Telangana when  numerous regions across the country were hit by a energy  extremity, leaving long  ranges outside the petrol pumps.  

  A delivery agent from Zomato food delivery company  set up a way out when he'd an order to deliver and a  client  staying for it. The agent  set up himself stuck due to energy  deficit and vehicles  submerging the energy stations in a  shot to refill their tanks.   In a perfect  illustration of turning the situation to one's favour, the Zomato agent resorted to a way that isn't only extremely rare but also too unique to believe. 

The agent rode on horseback to  insure that the  client got the food package on time.   This came as  numerous truckers had been holding  demurrers to mark their opposition against the new  vittles on  megahit- and- run cases.   spanning high! UPI deals in 2023 crossed the 100- billion mark for the first time   The incident took place close to the Imperial Hotel in Hyderabad's Chanchalguda neighbourhood.

 The delivery person was seen riding the  steed with sheer perfection as other vehicles passed him by in business as usual.   The  videotape of the delivery person, who's seen wearing the company's red t- shirt with its  totem on it has gone viral on social media platforms. The sight of the Zomato person was strange yet  interesting for  numerous who were seen  decelerating down their vehicles and taking a look at the agent with his  steed.  

 Netizens reply   Ever since the  videotape went viral on social media platforms,  responses have been pouring in. originally, the  videotape was posted by a  stoner on X social media platform. The caption in the post read-"#Zomato Delivery Agent Drops Order In#Hyderabad On A steed. Reason Energy deficit."  

 India Zero' cold  surge' days in December 2023 for Delhi, warmest in last six times   numerous on the microblogging  point could find this relatable as the  deficit of energy posed a big challenge for  numerous in conducting their day- to- day business.   One of the  druggies wrote," Amidst the  deficit of petrol and diesel, a  videotape has surfaced from Hyderabad, Telangana. Due to petrol, the food delivery boy left his bike and went out to deliver on a  steed."

  Another  stoner wrote," Oh, what a relief!! Who needs energy anyway when you have horseback delivery."    Indian truckers association, after holding addresses with Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla, called off their strike on Day 2.   President of All India Motor Transport Congress Amrit Lal Madan said that the Indian Home Minister Amit Shah has put a hold on the new  megahit- and- run law passed under the new Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita( BNS), which replaced the old Indian Penal Code( IPC).

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